The BSBI publishes obituaries of recently deceased botanists in BSBI News and in its Yearbook, both of which are posted to all BSBI members and are also available on our members-only area.
BSBI's Obituaries Editor is Dr Chris Preston.
Obituaries A-L
- Phyllis Abbott (1936-2021)
- Laurie Adams (1929-2014)
- David Elliston Allen (1932-2023)
- George Ballantyne (1934-2020)
- Barbara Ballinger (1941-2010)
- Joan Banks (1937-2011)
- John Barber (1954-2019)
- Margaret Barron (1925-2016)
- Gillian Beckett (1935-2016)
- Peter Benoit (1931-2021)
- Marjorie Blamey MBE (1918-2019)
- Mary Briggs (1923-2014)
- Dick Brummitt (1937-2013)
- Alec Bull (1927-2023)
- Elaine Bullard (1915-2011)
- Ken Butler (1939-2017)
- Ann Conolly (1917-2010)
- Don Cotton (1950-2022)
- Gigi Crompton (1922-2020)
- James Cullen (1936-2013)
- Keith Cunningham (1948-2014)
- Charles David (1948-2012)
- Jack Donovan (1928-2012)
- Joan Duncan (1916-2012)
- Anita Jo Dunn (1920-2020)
- David Dupree (1930-2013)
- Patricia Evans (1929-2015)
- Trevor Evans (1924-2023)
- Chris Ferreira (1931-2019)
- Michael Foley (1935-2022)
- Peter Fry (1935-2010)
- Gill Gent (1927-2018)
- Martin George (1930-2016)
- Charles Henry Gimingham (1923-2018)
- Dalton Glendinning (1931-2017)
- Barry Goater (1930-2022)
- Alistair Godfrey (1954-2022)
- George Gordon Graham (1917-2015)
- Eric Greenwood (1938-2022)
- Charles (Gordon) Hanson (1938-2021)
- John Harron (1944-2020)
- Rita Isabel Hemsley (née Jeal) (1932-2016)
- Alan Hill (1935-2019)
- Ian Hopkins (1959-2022)
- Anne Horsfall (1927-2021)
- David Humphreys (1916-2011)
- Ann Margaret Hutchison (1930-2016)
- James Iliff (1923-2014)
- Hugh Ingram (1937-2017)
- Trevor James (1947-2020)
- Paul Jarvis (1935-2013)
- Clive Jermy (1932-2014)
- Victor Johnstone (1944-2015)
- Alfred William Jones (1929-2014)
- Vincent Jones (1947-2020)
- Bengt Jonsell (1936-2023)
- Quentin Kay (1939-2017)
- Alan Knapp (1947-2010)
- Edmund Launert (1926-2017)
- Yvonne Leonard (1940-2021)
- Margaret Long (1932-2012)
- Clive Lovatt (1955-2022)

Obituaries M-Z
- Peter Macpherson (1925-2015)
- Leonard John Margetts (1923-2016)
- Elizabeth McDonnell (1946-2022)
- Eric Meek (1947-2017)
- Robert Desmond Meikle (1923-2021)
- David Moore (1930-2013)
- Caoimhe Muldoon (1973-2014)
- Rose Murphy (1924-2023)
- Catriona Murray (1926-2014)
- Philip Nethercott (1918-2011)
- Alan Newton (1927-2016)
- Philip Oswald (1933-2021)
- Christopher Page (1942-2022)
- John Palmer (1931-2019)
- Richard Pankhurst (1940-2013)
- Ronald Payne (1922-2010)
- Franklyn Perring (1927-2003)
- Margaret Perring (1933-2020)
- Eric Philp (1930-2013)
- Christopher Donald Pigott (1928-2022)
- Antony Primavesi (1917-2011)
- Michael Proctor (1929-2017)
- Oliver Rackham (1939-2015)
- Basil Ribbons (1926-2017)
- Elizabeth Rich (1935-2012)
- Norman Robson (1928-2021)
- Bruno Ryves (1930-2019)
- Gerald Salisbury (1936-2015)
- John Savidge (1933-2021)
- Maura Scannell (1924-2011)
- Walter Scott (1940-2018)
- Peter Sell (1929-2013) (plus Tributes to Peter Sell)
- Peter Sell (Gina Murrell's 2018 tribute: download here)
- Peter Sell (Nature in Cambridgeshire)
- Peter Sell (Contribuţii Botanice)
- Mike Shaw (1949-2020)
- Charles Sinker (1931-2010)
- Anthony Smith (1929-2018)
- Tony Smith (1935-2012)
- Lawrence Spalton (1920-2011)
- Rod Stern (1928-2019)
- Edna Wyness Stewart (1932-2015)
- George Swan (1917-2012)
- Hugh Synge (1951-2018)
- Peter Taylor (1926-2011)
- Bill Thompson (1936-2019)
- Stephanie Thomson (1925-2011)
- David Welch (1939-2023)
- Geoffrey Wilmore (1941-2018)
- Rob Wilson (1943-2018)
- Jeffrey Wood (1952-2019)
- Peter Wormell (1930-2012)

Historical Research
Our online archive of past issues of Watsonia, Proceedings and the BEC Reports, contains many obituaries and biographies of botanists.
The Herbaria at Home website contains much new information about historical botanists, whose lives can be studied through the specimens they collected and the places they visited. It includes short biographies and charts and maps of their activities.
Researchers might also like to visit the Natstand Natural History Biographies website.