The Flora of Berkshire and South Oxfordshire
Why not adopt an area to study in detail over several years? I (County Recorder Mick Crawley) have been studying the four 1km squares that include Silwood Park since 1970, and this seems like a sensible and manageable area to adopt. The better you get to know an area, the more interesting it becomes, because you begin to understand how and why things are changing. The data are more interesting ecologically if you record each habitat separately (woodland, grassland, wetland, built area, and so on). I’m happy to help with identification, using digital images in the first instance (although I might ask for a specimen is some more challenging cases). Contact me by email on Mick Crawley.

County Recorder
Berkshire Rare Plants Register (2005)
A Flora of Moor Copse by Ambroise Baker & Georgina Southon (2007)
A Flora of Whiteknights Park by David LeGrice & Stephen Jury (2011)